The Linguistic Mosaic of the Most Popular Languages in the United States

The Linguistic Mosaic of the United States

We were excited to come across this article by Visual Capitalist, a website that turns market research into awesome illustrations. Visual Capitalist created a map of the United States showing, once English and Spanish were eliminated, the next most popular languages spoken in the US. Click on the map image below to get a downloadable copy of the chart that caught our eye.

Third most common language by state

The Dominance of English and Spanish

In the United States, the dominance of the English language is unsurprising, with 78% of Americans speaking only English at home. However, the linguistic landscape of the U.S. is far more diverse than it appears at first glance. Spanning between 350 and 430 different languages, this rich tapestry of tongues paints a picture of cultural and linguistic diversity. Notably, Spanish holds a strong second position, being the primary language in 62% of non-English-speaking households​​.

Portuguese in the Northeastern States

The prevalence of Portuguese in certain U.S. states signifies a growing market for Portuguese interpreters. This is particularly evident in states like Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, where Portuguese has emerged as the most spoken language aside from English and Spanish​​​​​​​​​​. As a Connecticut-based company, which coincidentally has government contracts in all of these states, we at iTi are already aware of the increase in requests for Portuguese Interpreters.

Languages and History

If you find the state where you live on the map, you may not be surprised at the language displayed. German shows up as the third most common language in 13 states, mirroring the prevalence of German immigration in the Midwest. South Florida has many well-established Haitian communities, and Chinese immigrants had an enormous impact on California’s economic development. There are actually many different native tongues included in the classification “Aleut languages” shown for Alaska.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the linguistic landscape of the United States is a dynamic and ever-changing entity. For businesses and individuals alike, understanding and adapting to these linguistic trends is crucial. At Interpreters and Translators, Inc., we offer expert interpreting services in over 250 languages, to help bridge the language gap and foster effective communication across cultures.

Get in Touch

Interpreters and Translators, Inc. is a full service language solutions company based in Glastonbury, Connecticut. iTi is an NMSDC-certified minority owned business.


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