Most Common Languages Besides English In The US & New England

New York City skyline

It should be no surprise that many languages besides English are spoken throughout the United States. In certain areas, English seems to be the foreign language! The US has always been a melting pot of different languages and cultures. If you consider the US before the British settled, just imagine how many different languages their were between the various Native American tribes that filled our land.

It is no wonder that an official language for our country was never established. Furthermore, there are a plethora of laws and regulations set in place to reach these non-English speaking communities in their native tongues.

We created this infographic to easily show the most prevalent languages in the United States and iTi’s home region of New England. Whether you have a mandate to offer materials in other languages or choose to translate in order to reach certain communities, we hope this helps to give you a starting point of which languages are common in your area. What do you think of these statistics? Do any of the languages on the lists surprise you? 

Infographic on the most common languages besides English in the US and New England


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