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Elevate Your Experience with Conference Interpreting Services

✔️ 250+ languages
✔️ 24/7/365 availability
✔️ Best-in-class customer experience
✔️ Lightning-fast response time
✔️ One-time session or cost-saving partnerships available

During conference interpreting, the interpretation is delivered real-time, meaning the speaker does not have to wait for the interpreter to translate before continuing speaking. One of the main benefits of conference interpreting is the ability to preserve the natural flow of a presentation or conversation. Listeners of the presentation can follow along with only a brief delay before the source language is translated into the target language.

Conference interpreting services are commonly used for:

  • Conferences
  • Lectures
  • Trainings
  • Meetings
  • International Business Gatherings
  • Courtroom

Language access couldn’t be easier with our no hassle, no obligation Language Services Agreement (LSA).  An LSA with iTi saves you time and money, and eliminates the need for requesting a quote before scheduling future interpreting sessions or translation projects.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price structure of conference interpreting?

Simultaneous interpreting rates are based on 15 minute intervals with a two-hour minimum. Rare languages may have higher rates than more commonly requested ones.

How does conference interpreting work?

For in-person events, the persons requiring interpretation will received a headset allowing them to hear the interpreter. If multiple languages are needed, multichannel equipment can be used.  

For online events, the user will be able to make an audio language selection when joining the event.

Will conference interpreters understand my industry's jargon and complex terminology?

For calls that require specialized knowledge, such as medical, legal, engineering, etc., let the representative who answers your inquiry know, and they will connect you with an interpreter who has special training in that industry.  If you become comfortable with a particular interpreter, you can request them for future events.

How do I get started?

Fill out a form or give us a call today, and one of our account managers will contact you. We’ll determine whether a one-time contract or a language service agreement will be the best fit for your request.

Certified Language Services Provider


Create Meaningful Experiences in Any Language