
A British flag on a section of soccer seats

How Ted Lasso Highlights the Need for Localization

July 22, 2021

  Everyone’s favorite football coach turned futbol “coach” is back! Jason Sudeikis stars in Season 2 of Ted Lasso, the Apple TV+ hit about a “fish out of water” midwestern football coach who has been hired to coach an English Premier League soccer team. The only thing Ted Lasso loves more than a good idiom and motivational saying is bringing his boss, Rebecca, “cookies” or biscuits every morning. But Ted quickly realizes the jokes and sayings that he often uses to motivate his team or lighten the mood fall flat in England. So, we are here to bring up how…


A Brief History of Native American Languages in the US

February 25, 2020

Native American languages in the US have succumbed to linguicide over time. According to the World Atlas, approximately 300 languages were spoken in the US before colonialism. When the Europeans arrived, they forced Native Americans out of their land. The government tried to eliminate the Native American culture, including the languages, by forcing English. As a result of enforcing English in schools and in society in general, many languages were lost. These policies were reversed in 1972 when Congress passed the Indian Education Act, which made it legal to teach children in indigenous languages and gave tribes the authority to…


How KFC Leverages Local Flavors Worldwide Through Localization

September 24, 2019

PC 1 – “A Cyberpunk-style KFC restaurant in Guangzhou” More companies are connecting with consumers on a global level. According to Harvard Business Review [1], “the typical Western approach to foreign expansion [has been] to try to sell core products or services pretty much as they’ve always been sold in Europe or the United States, with headquarters watching closely to make sure the model is exported correctly.” However, in the race toward globalization, emerging leaders are utilizing a different, more effective approach when developing and deploying global marketing strategies. Companies looking to succeed in the increasingly globalized market would do…


10 Interesting Facts About Vietnam [Country Spotlight]

June 13, 2018

At Interpreters and Translators, Inc. we love language, travel, and countries. One of our employees has several friends who have visited Vietnam and raved about that country. She couldn’t not resist doing some research of her own and considering booking her own trip to Vietnam. Here are a few of her observations. According to my friends and many travel websites, Vietnam is beautiful and diverse. It has a storied history and a vibrant culture. Translation and interpretation skills come in handy there as they do wherever iTi folks travel. To make my findings easy for you to explore, I’ve arrange…