Accommodations that are ADA Compliant
In addition to creating "live subtitles" during a session, both CART and C-Print create a written transcription of the entire class, meeting, or event which can be provided to attendees after the session.
C-Print: The conversation is summarized simultaneously. C-Print is essentially an electronic note-taking system.
- C-Print services are popular in settings such as classrooms, lecture halls, business and
governmental meetings, and any setting where an in-person interpreter is not available, or where multiple speakers and noise may be an issue for other services. - Onsite and remote transcribing is available.
CART: (Communication Access Real-Time): The conversation is transcribed word-for-word. Real-time software then converts it to text display on a monitor, smart device, or projected on a screen for participants.
- CART services are popular in settings such as classrooms, courtrooms, meetings,
workshops, and conferences creating an inclusive environment for deaf and hard-of-hearing
participants. - For online meetings, CART stands out as a superior choice, offering captions that are significantly more accurate than the auto-generation tools typically found in video
conferencing platforms. - Onsite and remote transcribing is available.

Benefits of CART and C-Print Services

CART and C-Print are innovative and cost-effective ways to ensure that students and/or event attendees can follow along with the rest of the group. The service benefits people who have a hearing loss, are deafened or deaf, and many others due to different language and learning needs. Captioning benefits everyone in any group who can read. Further benefits include equal communication access, independence, flexibility, simplicity, anonymity, full participation, and understanding. It’s for a much wider group of people beyond just deaf or hard of hearing.
Along with American Sign Language (ASL), CART and C-Print are both recognized accommodations for the dear and hard of hearing as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. We have more than 30 years of experience providing equal communication access across the nation. We will work closely with you to determine the best solution for your next event!
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CART Services Frequently Asked Questions
C-Print is very similar to CART except that instead of transcribing the conversation word for word, the text interpreter summarizes the conversation or lecture.
C-Print is basically an electronic note-taking system designed to provide a meaning-for-meaning transcription. This service is specifically designed for a classroom setting and is offered both onsite and remotely.
Make Communication Accessible and Create a Written Record with our CART and C-Print Services
- 250+ languages
- Best-in-class customer experience
- One-time session or cost-saving partnerships available
- Secure, encrypted file storage
CART stands for Communication Access Real Time and is most easily described as subtitles for live discussions. Spoken language is translated instantaneously into text and displayed on a screen.
CART and text (C-Print) are innovative and cost-effective ways to ensure that students and/or event attendees can follow along with the rest of the group. The service benefits people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, and many others due to different language and learning needs. Captioning benefits everyone in any group who can read.
Further benefits include equal communication access, independence, flexibility, simplicity, anonymity, full participation, and understanding. It’s for a much wider group of people beyond just deaf or hard of hearing.
Both services are recognized accommodations for the deaf and hard of hearing as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
We have more than 37 years of experience providing equitable communication access. We will work closely with you to determine the best solution for your next lecture, conference, meeting, or other event.