Language Proficiency Assessments

There is a widespread misconception that simply because an individual speaks a different language, they can communicate effectively with Limited English Proficient clients, patients or customers in the scope of their professional duties.
Establishing a consistent set of interpreter Standards of Practice by which interpreting services may be measured is crucial for all organizations looking to provide services in multiple languages. These standards may also be used for a variety of purposes, including training, job descriptions, and performance evaluation.
iTi’s language assessments are designed to test an individual’s level of proficiency in any language. Many organizations employ bilingual people and want them to be able to use their language skills in their role.
Benefits of Language Proficiency Assessments
When communication is critical, like in the medical field, be sure to take precautions before allowing a bilingual staff member to interact in a language other than one in which he or she was professionally trained and educated.
Healthcare providers are subject to additional standards. In some states, staff members who have medical conversations directly with patients and their families must demonstrate fluency in the patients' preferred language.
Additionally, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires staff members who provide interpreting services to have completed a recognized 40-hour medical interpreter training course.
Proficiency assessments are valuable far beyond the medical field. Social services, nonprofits, government agencies, and many other industries are all beginning to implement language proficiency assessments for their employees.

Language Proficiency Assessments Frequently Asked Questions
You will be contacted via email to coordinate the language proficiency assessment and to share test results.